As the UK's largest and ONLY Cavalor dedicated retailer we only sell Cavalor.
As such we have huge stocks and access to early market products before anyone else.
We first started using Cavalor in our competition environment more than 10 years ago. We have seen the brand develop and the list of products increase. We have practical experience using every single product in the range and the scientific background to help advise you on your choices.
Secure Stock
We don't accept any returns.
Nothing we send to you will have ever been out of the control of the direct supply chain from Cavalor.
If your retailer takes product back can you really be sure its FEI and Competition safe?

Ambition is what drives us and makes us grow.
All of us.
At Cavalor, we challenge ourselves to gain more knowledge and improve continuously. That’s how we develop our products; every product is borne of a rational and unique view on equine feeding and care – supported by scientific research and driven by the desire for the health of the horse and the meeting of its needs.
Every horse is different. Every rider is unique. As are their ambitions. We are here for all equestrian athletes. We are Cavalor, a part of your team. We are here to empower your ambitions.